Hi there to anyone who happens upon this,
We are confirmed for 9/5 Pilot light, Knoxville,TN. 9/2 Caledonia Lounge, Athens,GA (tentatively, if we get someone fantabulous to support us) and 9/3 Discoteca, Chattanooga,TN.
If you, or anyone you know that makes you giggle and jump for joy, wants to play, please give us some love and SHARE! email us at binarymarketingshow@gmail.com
or call to leave an email and details about band/venue: 347 599 2601
We cannot wait to get down south and hug your pretty little necks off!
Also, if you are not already, FOLLOW US ON TWITTER! to keep up with our ever changing moods: http://twitter.com/BinaryShow
A & B